Patient Resources - Insurance Network Plans
A lot of people have medical benefits ("medpay" or "PIP") included in their automobile policies, and don't even realize it. Our office highly recommends that you use these benefits, if you have them, in the event that you've been injured in an automobile accident, regardless of who was at fault. Most insurance companies have you initial your denial on your application without you even knowing that you are denying these benefits! Please check your auto policies and call your insurance agent to get your PIP! It's inexpensive and worth it....just in case....
Here are several reasons why we recommend that we file your MedPay or PIP:
Medpay and PIP are exactly like health insurance -- using either form of coverage doesn't cause your rates to increase. If your rates increase, it's not because you filed your medpay or PIP, it's most likely because: (a) The accident was determined to be your fault by your insurance company, (b) you received a police citation or ticket, or (c) you've been involved in numerous reported auto accidents within a brief period of time, and therefore are now considered to be "high risk."
Filing your medpay or PIP doesn't relieve the other party from having to pay in full for your loss. Filing medpay/PIP does not relieve the other party from being responsible for payment. If the other driver's liability insurance refuses to make payment to you for whatever reason, filing your medpay/PIP will help to ensure that you are not left to pay the medical bills out of your own pocket.
If you have medpay or PIP coverage and choose not to file it, then you are paying for an option, but not receiving any benefit.
We do not charge for filing your medpay or PIP!
For the same reasons, our office also recommends that you file your commercial health insurance. The important thing to remember is that you are not guaranteed of receiving full payment from the other driver's liability insurance company. Filing both your medpay/PIP and your health insurance will help to ensure that you are not left to pay the medical bills.
As long as our office is filing your PIP, medpay and health insurance, and these companies are continuing to cover your charges, we will waive collection of payment at the time of service. If we receive overpayment on your account, we will be happy to refund you the difference, provided we are not under a duty to refund the health insurance company.
If you have any questions, please feel to ask any of our Personal Injury Team Members.
In-Network Plans for all Providers:
BCBS Plans: PPO, HMO Blue, Blue Advantage HMO, and Medicare Advantage PPO
Tri-Care with Referral from PCP (Working on Tri-Care Prime)
Cigna, Multi-Plan, PHCS
Humana Gold Plus (No referral needed for Chiro - PCP referral needed for Rockport Physical Medicine, PA
WellMed (No referral needed for Chiro - PCP referral needed for Rockport Physical Medicine, PA
Aetna, Aetna TRS
United Healthcare, UHC-Medicare
Medicaid, STAR
Superior Healthcare and their subsidiaries
Alliance Workman's Comp (PT Only) Treating all the Aransas County and City of Rockport Employees. Can treat most Work Comp Out-of-Network.
We gladly accept assignment on most Personal Injury Cases:
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
3rd Party Liability